[1] The earle of Leicester with a small companie came before the castell of Pascie,The earle of Leicester. which (although the Frenchmen held it) did yet of right belong vnto the said earle. The souldiors within issued foorth, and be|ing too strong for the earle, caused him to flee, for o|therwise he had béene taken. But returning on the morrow after with more companie about him, and laieng ambushes for the enimie, he approched the said castell, and trained the Frenchmen foorth till he had them within his danger, and then causing his men to breake out vpon them tooke an eightéene knights, and a great multitude of other people.Marchades. Also Marcha|des with his rout of Brabanders did the French|men much hurt, in robbing and spoiling the coun|tries.