[1] [2] Then king Richard and the other christian cap|teins perceiuing how the matter inclined, Anno Reg. 4. and gi|uing ouer all hope of any more good successe, follow|ed them. So that after they were thus returned to Acres, king Richard still doubting least his long ab|sence from home might put him in danger of more losse here, than he saw hope of present gaine to be had there, in such diuersitie of humours and priuie malice which reigned among them, he determined fullie to depart homewards, with no lesse purpose to returne thither againe after he had setled things at home in such sure stay as was expedient for the suer|tie of his owne estate and quietnesse of his people. Herevpon being readie to enter into his ships at Acres [or as some haue, Wil. Paruus. being on his iournie home|wards in Cypres] he was aduertised that the Soul|dane Saladine had taken the towne of Iaph, slaine a great number of the christians within it, and besie|ged the residue within the castell, the which (constrei|ned through feare) had compounded to yéeld, if with|in thrée daies there came no succour.