[1] [2] [3] [4] The cheefe of them that were within this castell to defend it were these, William de Uendeuall co|nestable there, Roger de Mountbegun, Rafe Mur|dac, Philip de Worceter and Ranulfe de Worceter brethren. The morow after the surrender was made, the king went to Clipstone, and rode into the forrest of Shirewood, where he had neuer béene before, the view whereof pleased him greatlie.The forrest [...] Shirewood. The castell of Tickhill was likewise at the same time yéelded vn|to the bishop of Durham, who receiued it to the kings vse, and them that kept it as prisoners, without anie composition, but standing simplie to the K. mercie. For although those that had these castels in keeping, were sufficientlie prouided of all necessarie things for defense, yet the sudden comming of the king (whom they thought verelie would neuer haue re|turned) put them in such feare, that they wist not what to make of the matter,The castell of Tickhill yee [...]|ded. and so (as men amazed) they yéelded without anie further exception. The bi|shop of Durham bringing those prisoners with him which had yéelded vp this castell of Tickhill, Rog. Houed. came to the king the 27 daie of March, the verie daie before that Notingham castell was giuen ouer.