[1] Shortlie after, to wit, the 15. day of September, a councell was holden at Pipewell,A councell at Pipewell. where the bishops and abbats being assembled, there were in presence of the king and of the archbishop of Canturburie e|lected certeine bishops and abbats to such places as then were vacant: and amongst other William de Longchampe the kings chancellor was elected to the sée of Elie, Wil. Paruus. Geffrey the kings bastard brother vnto the archbishoprike of Yorke, who was the 32. in number that had gouerned the same, Geffrey de Lu|cie to Winchester, one Hubert Walter to Salisbu|rie, and Richard archdeacon of Elie, and the kings treasurer to the see of London. The abbeies that were prouided of abbats were these, Glastenburie, Shirborne, Persore and Feuersham. In like maner, Iohn the elect of Whitherne was consecrated bi|shop of that see,The bishop of Whitherne consecrated. Rog. Houed. by the hands of the archbishop of Du|blin. Also in this councell the king ordeined Hugh bishop of Durham, and William Mandeuille earle of Albemarle, lord chéefe iustices of England, hauing deposed Ranulfe de Glanuille from that roome.