Snippet: 188 of 313 (1587, Volume 6, p. 141)
[1] Moreouer king Richard
gaue and by his deed con|firmed vnto sundrie princes of the empire for their
homage and fealtie, certeine yearelie pensions,
Yéerelie pensi|ons giuen by the king [...]o certeine prin|ces of the em|pire.
as to the archbishop of Ments and Cullen, to the bishop of Liege, to
the dukes of Austrich and Louaine, to the marquesse of Mountferrat, to the
duke of Me|glenburge, to the duke of Suaben the emperors bro|ther, to the
earle of Bins, to the earle of Holland, and to the sonne of the earle of
Henault, of all the which, and other mo, he receiued homage, or rather had
their promise by oth to aid him against the French king, which French king,
now that he sawe no hope nor likelihood remaining to bring the emperour to
the bent of his bowe for the deteining of K. Richard still in captiuitie,
raised a power foorthwith, & entring in|to Normandie (the truce
notwithstanding) tooke the towne of Eureux,
Wil. Paruus. The French king inuadeth Normandie. with
diuerse other fortresses there|abouts, and after he had doone mischéefe
inough, as it were wearied with euill dooing, he granted eftsoones to stand
to the truce, and so returned home.