[1] But in the meane time, on saint Stephans day, duke Leopold chanced to haue a fall beside his horsse,Duke Leo|pold catcheth a fall beside his horsse and dieth of the hurt. and hurt his leg in such wise, that all the surgions in the countrie could not helpe him, wherevpon in ex|treame anguish he ended his life. And whereas be|fore his death he required to be absolued of the sen|tence of excommunication pronounced against him by the pope (for apprehending of king Richard in his returning from his iournie made into the holie land) he was answered by the cleargie, that except he would receiue an oth to stand to the iudgement of the church for the iniurie doone to king Richard, and that vnlesse other of the Nobilitie would receiue the like oth with him if he chanced to die (whereby he might not fulfill that which the church héerein should decrée) that yet they should see the same performed, he might not otherwise be absolued.