[1] It chanced moreouer about the same time, R. Houed. Matth. Paris. that earle Iohn the kings brother, with certeine capi|teins of such hired souldiors as some call Brabance|ni; others, the Routs; and the French histories name them Costereaux, or Co [...]erels, went abroad to at|chiue some enterprise against the bishop of Beau| [...]ois, and other Frenchmen, which had doone much hurt to king Richards subiects in those parties. The chéefe leaders of those Routs or Costereaux; which went foorth with earle Iohn, and serued vnder him at that time, were two Prouancois,Marchades & Lupescaro. Marchades & Lu|pescaro. These riding foorth into the countrie about Beauuois, made hauocke in robbing and spoiling all afore them.