[1] [2] [3] In this yeare, immediatlie vpon the expiring of the truce which was taken till haruest might be en|ded, Anno Reg. 10. the warre betwixt the two kings of England & France began eftsoones to be pursued with like ear|nestnesse as before: wherevpon manie encounters chanced betwixt the parties, with taking of townes and fortresses, as commonlie in such cases it happe|neth. Twise the French king was put to the worsse, once in September betwixt Gamages and Uer|non, where he was driuen to saue himselfe by flight, loosing twentie knights, and thréescore seruitors or yeomen, which were taken, besides those that were slaine: and againe, in the same moneth on Michael|masse euen betwixt Curseilles and Gisors, at what time he came to succour Curseilles, bringing with him 400 knights, besides seruitors, and a great mul|titude of commons. But the castell was woone be|fore he could approch it.