[1] This yeare it was ordeined that measures of all manner of graine should conteine one quantitie throughout the realme, that is to saie,Weights and measures. one resonable horsselode, and that the measures of wine and ale with all maner of liquors should be of one iust quan|tie according to the diuersitie of the liquor: also that weights should be of like rate throughout the relme, and that cloth should conteine two yards in breadth within the lists, of perfect goodnesse throughout, as well in the middest as by the sides, and that one man|ner of yard should be vsed through the relme. It was also ordeined that no merchants within the realme should hang any red or blacke clothes before their windowes, nor set vp any pentises or other thing whereby to darken the light from those that come to buy their cloth, so as they might be deceiued in choo|sing thereof.