[1] After this, he determined to chastise certeine per|sons in Poictou, which during the warres betwixt him and the French king, had aided the Frenchmen against him: wherevpon with an armie he passed foorth towards them, but by the waie he was infor|med, that one Widomer a vicount in the countrie of Britaine, had found great treasure:

Images of an emperour and of his wife & children all of fine gold.

The annales of Aquitaine.

and there|fore pretending a right thereto by vertue of his pre|rogatiue, he sent for the vicount, who smelling out the matter, and supposing the king would not be in|different in parting the treasure, fled into Limosin, where although the people were tributaries to the king of England, yet they tooke part with the French king.