[1] These things thus concluded,The citie of Acres. and the citie yéelded vp into the christian mens hands, the French king [page 133] vpon enuie and malice conceiued against king Ri|chard (although he pretended sicknesse for excuse) de|parted homewards,The French K. returneth home. setting from Acres the last day of Iulie. Now then, after the departure of king Phi|lip, when the day approched, in the which the Saracens should performe the couenants; or else stand to the iudgement of life and death at the pleasure of the christian princes: it was perceiued that the coue|nants would not be fullfilled according to the agrée|ment. For Saladine, as it well appeared, ment not to performe that which for the safegard of his men he had vndertaken, and did but dallie with the christi|ans to prolong the time: wherevpon sentence was giuen foorth, that for default in such behalfe, the Sa|racens remaining as pledges should loose their heads.