[1] The erledome of Poictou.About the same time also king Richard gaue vnto his nephue Otho the earledome of Poictou. Which I haue thought good to note out of Roger Ho [...]eden, to remooue the doubt of Iohn Bouchet, who in the third part of his annales of Aquitaine,Iohn Bou|chet his dou [...]. maruelleth at an old panehart or record which he had séene, by the tenour whereof it appeared, that this Otho inti|tuled himselfe duke of Aquitaine and earle of Poic|tou, being in his castell of Monstereulbonin neere to Poictiers, in the yeare a thousand, one hundreth, ninetie nine, in presence of Geffrey de Lusignen, and others, and granted vnto a certeine person the office of cutting the monie in the mint of that towne, as by the same [...] hart it further appeareth.