[1] Finallie, after he had sundrie times [...]ooued this suit for the hauing of the lands vnto which he preten|ded a title, and could get nothing of king Richard but faire words, putting him as it were in hope to obteine that he required at his next returne out of France, vpon the 22 daie of Aprill being fridaie, he tooke leaue of the king, and returned towards his countrie, not verie ioifull, in that he could not ob|teine his suit. King Richard in this meane while cau|sed all those prisoners that were taken in the castels of Notingham, Tickhill, Marleburgh, Lancaster, and S. Michaels mount,Mainprise. which were of any wealth to be put in prison, that they might fine for their ran|soms. The residue he suffered to depart vpon suer|ties, that were bound for them in an hundreth marks a peece, to be forth comming when they should be called.