[1] But at dinner time, among other that pressed in at the palace gate, diuerse of the Iewes were about to thrust in,A Iew stri|ken. till one of them was striken by a christi|an, who alledging the kings commandement, kept them backe from comming within the palace. Which some of the vnrulie people perceiuing, and supposing it had béene doone by the kings comman|dement, tooke lightlie occasion thereof,The people fall vpon the Iewes and beat them. and falling vpon the Iewes with staues, bats and stones, beat them and chased them home to their houses and lodg|ings. Héerewith rose a rumor through the citie, that the king had commanded the Iewes to be destroied, and therevpon came running togither, to assault them in their houses, which when they could not easi|lie breake vp nor enter, by reason the same were strongly builded, they set fire on them, so that diuers houses were consumed, not onelie of the Iewes, but also of their neighbours,Their houses are set on fire. so hideous was the rage of the fire. Here we see that
Regis ad exemplum totus componitur orbis.