6.1. A letter of king Richard directed to the States of the land for the deposing of the bishop of Elie from his office of lord chancellour.
A letter of king Richard directed to the States of the land for the deposing of the bishop of Elie from his office of lord chancellour.
[1] _RIchard king of England sendeth gree|ting to William Marshall, to Gilbert Fitz Peter, and Henrie Berdulfe, and to William Brewer, peeres. If it so chance that our chancellour hath not faithfullie handled the affaires and businesse of our realme (committed vnto him) by the aduise and counsell of you, and others to whom we haue also assigned the charge of gouernement of the same realme: we command you, that according to your disposi|tion in all things to be doone concerning the go|uernement thereof, you order and dispose as well for eschetes, as all other things, &c.