[1] [2] Earle Iohn and Marchades presented the two prelats with great triumph vnto K. Richard earlie in the morning, lieng yet in his bed, as those that were knowne to be his great enimies, saieng to him in French;
Rise Richard, rise, we haue gotten the great chantour of Beauuois, and a good quie [...] man (as we take it) to answer him in the same note, and here we deliuer them vnto you to vse at your discre|tion.The king séeing them, smiled, and was verie glad for the taking of this bishop, for that he had euer found him his great aduersarie: and therefore being thus taken fighting in the field with armour on his backe, thought he might be bold in temporall wise to chastise him: sith he (not regarding his calling) prac|tised to mo [...]es [...] him wich temporall weapons: where|vpon [page 151] he committed him to close prison all armed as he was.