[1] ¶ Some write, that now at this present, the king should ordeine or rather confirme the bishop of Elie his chancellour to be lord chéefe iustice ouer all Eng|land, and the bishop of Durham to be lord iustice from Trent northwards. But whensoeuer they were thu [...] aduanced to such dignities,Contention betwixt two ambitious bishops. howsoeuer they came by them, directlie or indirectlie, tr [...] it is, that immediatlie therevpon, strife and discord did arise betwixt them: for [...] proud and insolent, they disdained ech other, contending which of them should beare most rule and authoritie insomuch that whatso|euer séemed good to the [...] misliked, as in cases where parteners in authoritie are equall, it of|ten happeneth. The like hereof is [...] before be|twéene the archbishops of Canturburie [...] Yorke in diuerse kings reignes Fo [...] the nature of ambiti|on is to delight in singularitie, to admit no peers to giue place to no superior, to acknowledge no equall. Hereto alludeth the poet verie nea [...]l [...], and exempli|fieth it in the old Romans, the [...]rder of whose actions is continued at this day, as by th [...] wo [...]s insuing may be gathered, and ordinarilie obserued, booth here and elsewhere;
[...] pladoxe,Plebei [...] quo [...]ie [...] suffragi [...] [...],M. Pal [...]n sua v [...]g.Cerdo [...]úm ani [...] precibus sosuilibusTurpibus obsequijs [...]Vt proprijs rebus cur [...] publica [...]Pér foram medium multis comitantibus irent,Inflati v [...] vento folies, ac fronte superba, &c.