[1] The moonks of Canturburie therefore still fea|ring least that church should greatlie preiudice such rights and liberties, as they pretended, namlie in the election of their archbishop, would neuer rest, but still complained and followed their suit in most obsti|nate maner in the court of Rome, as well in the daies of the said Baldwine, as now against Hubert, (when he tooke in hand to continue the worke accor|ding to the purpose of his predecessour the said Bald|wine, which was to haue instituted a colledge there, and to haue placed secular canons in the same) and such was the earnest trauell of the moonks herein, that in the end now after the deceasse of pope Cele|stine, they found such fauour at the hands of pope Innocent his successor,The pope cõ|mandeth the church of La|meth to be raced. that the same Innocent di|rected his letters of cõmandement to the archbishop, and other bishops of this land, to destroie and race the same foundation, as a péece of worke derogatorie to the sée of Canturburie, and verie preiudiciall to the estate of holie church.