[1] King Richard (though he perceiued that this of|fer of peace tended vnto this point cheefelie, that Sa|ladine would thereby adnihilate whatsoeuer the chri|stian armie had doone in the holie land since his & the French kings arriuall, so that by the said peace he should gaine more than by the edge of his sword) did somewhat staie at this offer and demand, as a thing greatlie dishonourable to the christians, to lose by treatie of peace so much or rather more than they got by force of warres (a meere token of faint and féeble courage) yet considering that in such necessitie both of his departure from thence, and also of lacke of other succors to resist the puissance of the enimies, after his comming awaie, he iudged it best to take the offer at the enimies hands in auoiding of some greater euill. Herevpon therefore was a peace con|cluded to endure for thrée yeares, thrée moneths, thrée wéeks, thrée daies, and three houres,A peace con|cluded be|twixt the Christians & Saracens. to begin at Ea|ster next insuing. And among other articles, it was couenanted, that the christians should haue frée pas|sage to come and go vnto the citie of Ierusalem, to visit the holie sepulchre there, which was granted; so that amongst a great number of christians that pre|sentlie vpon this conclusion went thither, Hubert bi|shop of Salisburie was one,Hubert bishop of Salisburie. who had continued a|bout the king during the time of all his iournie till this time.