[1] This yeare also in the moneth of Nouember, as Matthew Paris saith, Iohannes de Anagnia a cardi|nall and legat from the pope arriued here in Eng|land, comming on land at Douer, and bicause the king was as then in the north parts, the same cardi|nall was prohibited on the behalfe of the kings mo|ther queene Elianor, to passe any further without the kings commandement. And so he staied there thir|téene daies at the charges of the archbishop of Can|turburie, till the king came to those parties, by whose wisedome a direction was taken for the quieting of the controuersie betwixt the archbishop, and the moonkes of Canturburie, for the chappell church of Hakinton now called S. Stephans.