[1] But K. Richard so incouraged his men by his pre|sence, & hartened them with such comfortable words as he vttered vnto them, that rowing to the shoare with their galies and small botes,The English|men take land & chase their enimies. hauing the archers afore them, they easilie got to land, droue their eni|mies backe, and so farre pursued them (being but footmen, weatherbeaten, wearie, and weat) as con|uenientlie they might, for the shortnes of time. King Richard hauing thus got foot on land, approched the towne of Limezun, which he with his souldiers en|tred, and finding it emptie of people (which were fled awaie) but full of riches and great plentie of victu|als, as corne, wine, oile, and flesh, he seized there|vpon.