[1] [2] Thus king Richard by such aliance hauing his part greatlie strengthened, prepared himselfe to the warre more earnestlie than before, and tooke order with the earle of Flanders, that they should inuade the French dominions in two seuerall quarters both at one time, as the earle by Flanders, & he himselfe by Normandie, according to the appointment be|twixt them deuised. The earle preparing an armie, Iacob. Meir. Wil. Paruus. first wan the towne of Dowaie, and then besieged saint Omers, and wan it after fiue weekes siege: whervpon they of Aire yeelded to him;Towns won by the earle of Flanders. shortlie after he entred into Artois, & besieged the citie of Arras.