[1] Note how the pope defen|deth his chaplins.Wherefore, vnderstanding that there had beene certeine attempts made by Iohn erle of Mortaigne and others, both against the king and the bishop of Elie, that was not onelie legat of the apostolike sée, but also gouernour of the land appointed by the king, which attempt sounded greatlie to the reproch of the church of Rome, and danger of damage to insue to king Richard, if remedie were not the sooner found: therefore he commanded them by the vertue of their obedience, to excõmunicat the earle of Mortaigne, or any other that was knowne to haue laid any vio|lent hands vpon the said bishop of Elie, or deteined him as captiue, or inforced him to any oth, or else had changed the state of rule in the kingdome of Eng|land to other forme, than king Richard had ordei|ned at his setting forward towards the holie land: and that not onelie all the councellours, authors, ai|ders and complices of those that had committed such outrage, but also their lands should stand interdicted, so that no diuine seruice should be vsed within the precinct of the same, except penance and christning of infants. This to remaine till the said bishop & king|dome were restored into the former estate: and that the parties excommunicated should present them|selues with letters from the bishops vnto the aposto|like see to be absolued, &c.