[1] [2] The king being now put in good hope of his spée|die deliuerance, sent into England, willing his mo|ther quéene Elianor, the archbishop of Rouen and o|thers,Hubert arch|bishop of Cã|turburie, lord chéefe iustice. to come ouer vnto him into Almaine, and in the meane time he ordeined Hubert the archbishop of Canturburie to remaine at home as lord cheefe iustice. After this, the emperour with the aduice of the princes of the empire, assigned a day to king Ri|chard, in which he should be deliuered out of captiui|tie, which was the mondaie next after the twentith day of Christmasse. Wherevpon king Richard wrote vnto Hubert archbishop of Canturburie in forme as followeth.