[1] The earle of Mortaigne went in the midst be|twixt the other two. After them followed six earles and barons, bearing a checker table, vpon the which was set the kings scochens of armes, Rog. Houed. and then fol|lowed William Mandeuill earle of Albemarle, bea|ring a crowne of gold a great heigth before the king, who followed the same, hauing Hugh bishop of Dur|ham on the right hand, and Reignold bishop of Bath on the left, ouer whom a canapie was borne: and in this order he came into the church at Westminster, where before the high altar in the presence of the cleargie & the people,The king his oth. laieng his hand vpon the holie euangelists and the relikes of certeine saincts, he tooke a solemne oth, that he should obserue peace, ho|nour, and reuerence to almightie God, to his church, and to the ministers of the same all the daies of his life. Also that he should exercise vpright iustice to the people committed to his charge, and that he should abrogate and disanull all euill lawes and wrongfull customes, if anie were to be found within the pre|cinct of his realme, and mainteine those that were good and laudable.