[1] [page 140] The emperour vpon displeasure conceiued against the bishop of Liege, which latelie had atteined to that benefice contrarie to the emperours pleasure, who wished the same rather to an other person,The bishop of Liege mur|thered. hired cer|teine naughtie fellowes to go into France, where the bishop remained for feare of the emperours ma|lice, and there to find meanes traitorouslie to slea him, which they accordinglie did, by reason whereof the duke of Louaigne that was brother to the bi|shop, and other of his kinsmen, vpon knowledge had thereof, meant to haue made the emperour warre, in reuenge of that murther: insomuch that the empe|rour, to haue the French kings aid against them, was minded to haue deliuered K. Richard vnto him.