[1] Hereof it came, that on a time whiles he soiourned in France about his warres, which he held against K. Philip, there came vnto him a French préest whose name was Fulco, who required the K. in any wise to put from him thrée abhominable daughters which he had, and to bestow them in marriage,Fulco a préest least God pu|nished him for them. Thou liest hypocrite (said the king) to thy verie face, for all the world knoweth that I haue not one daughter. I lie not (said the préest) for thou hast three daughters, one of them is called pride, the second couetousnesse, and the third lecherie. With that the king called to him his lords & barons, and said to them;

This hypocrite heere hath required me to marrie awaie my three daughters, which (as he saith) I cherish, nourish, foster and mainteine, that is to say, pride, couetousnesse, and lecherie. And now that I haue found out necessarie & fit husbands for them, I will doo it with effect, and seeke no more de|laies. I therefore bequeath my pride to the high min|ded templers and hospitallers, which are as proud as Lucifer himselfe. My couetousnesse I giue vnto the white moonks, otherwise called of the Cisteaux order, for they couet the diuell and all. My lecherie I com|mit to the prelats of the church, who haue most plea|sure and felicitie therein.