[1] Herevpon he returned to Lisbone, where he found three score and three other ships of king Richards na|uie there newlie arriued, ouer the which were chéefe capteins Robert de Sabuuille,Robert de Sabuuille. Richard de Camuille. and Richard de Camuille: which at their comming to land could not so gouerne their people, but that some naughtie fel|lowes amongst them fell to breaking and robbing of orchards: some also entring into the citie, behaued themselues verie disorderlie. But yet by the com|ming of the king, their lewdnesse was staied, so that he seemed not to séeke reuenge of the pilgrims, but rather with courteous meanes to bridle their vn|lawfull attempts: wherevnto the diligence of the English capteins not a little preuailed for a while, but yet for all that could be done on both sides, within three daies after, a new tumult was raised betwixt the English pilgrims and the townesmen, and di|uerse hurt and killed on either part.