[1] [2] King Richard this yeare pardoned Hugh Nouant bishop of Couentrie of all his wrath and displeasure conceiued toward him, Rog. Houed. Hugh Nouãt bishop of Co|uentrie resto|red to his sée. and restored to him his bi|shoprike for fiue thousand marks of siluer. But Ro|bert Nouant the same bishops brother died in the kings prison at Douer. Also whereas the archbishop of Yorke had offended king Richard,The archbish|op of Yorke. he pardoned him, and receiued him againe into fauour, with the kisse of peace. Wherevpon the archbishop waxed so proud, that vsing the king reprochfullie, he lost his archbishoprike, the rule of Yorkeshire which he had in gouernment as shiriffe, the fauour of his soue|reigne, and (which was the greatest losse of all) the loue of God. For

Nemo superbus amat superos, nec amatur ab illis,M. Pal. in suo sag.
Vult humiles Deus ac mites, habitát libenter
Mansuetos animos procul ambitione remotos,
Inflatos verò ac ventosos deprimit idem,
Nec patitur secum puro consistere olympo.