[1] Now those that had commission to leuie this mo|nie,The hard dealing of of|ficers in the collection. being poisoned with couetousnesse, and incensed with a gréedie desire (than the which as the poet saith,
vsed much streightnesse in exacting it, not onelie le|uieng it to the vttermost value and extent of mens lands, goods, and possessions, but after their owne willes and pleasures: so that vnder colour of the kings commission, and letters to them directed, there séemed not a tribute or subsidie to be raised, but by some publike proclamation all the goods and sub|stance of the people to be appointed as a prey to the kings officers, whereby it came to passe, that not onelie priuate mens goods, but also the chalices, iew|els,Church iewels. and vessels belonging to the church were tur|ned into monie, and a farre greater summe made than was at the first commanded, a great part of the ouerplus being conuerted to the vse of those, through whose hands the receipt passed. There was no priui|lege nor freedome allowed to exempt any person or place for being contributorie towards the paiment of this monie. The order of Cisteaux that were neuer charged with any paiment before, were now assessed more déepelie than the rest.—nulla est hac maior Erinnys,Hanc memorant Acheronte satam, per tristia DitisRegna truces agitare faces, &c.)