[1] It was also agréed, that bishops, abbats, earles, and barons, valuasors, and freeholders should not be disseized of their lands, goods or cattels, otherwise than by order of the iustices or officers of the king, so that they should be iudged in the kings courts accor|ding to the lawfull customes and ordinances of the realme: and likewise that earle Iohn should cause the same orders to be obserued through all his lands. Prouided that if any man attempted to doo other|wise vpon support or maintenance of earle Iohn, he should stand to be reformed by the archbishop of Ro|uen if he chanced then to be in England, and by the kings iustices, and by those that had sworne to ob|serue this peace: and also earle Iohn himselfe at their request should see such reformation to be had.