[1] The two chaplins had their mouths stopped with these words thus by the king vttered, and so departed their waies. The bishop being still deteined in pri|son, procured suit to be made to the pope for his deli|uerance: but the pope, being truelie informed of the matter, and wiselie considering that the king had not taken the bishop preaching, but fighting, and kept him prisoner rather as a rough enimie, than as a peaceable prelat, would not be earnest with the king for his deliuerance, but rather reprooued the bi|shop, in that he had preferred secular warfare before the spirituall, and had taken vpon him the vse of a speare in stéed of a crosier, an helmet in steed of a mi|ter, an herbergeon in stéed of a white rocket, a target for a stoale, and an iron sword in lieu of the spirituall sword: and therefore he refused to vse any comman|dement to king Richard for the setting of him at li|bertie. But yet he promised to doo what he could by waie of intreating, that he might be released.