[1] The Saracens at that time made warres against the king of Portingale, so that the Portingales stood in néed of aid, in so much that they of Sylua did not onelie intreat the Englishmen to staie with them for a time, but also got grant of them to breake their ship, with the timber whereof they might the bet|ter fortifie their towne, promising that their king should recompense them with an other as good as theirs, and also further satisfie them for their seruice, during the time of their abode there in defense of that citie. Likewise of those that arriued at Lisbone there went to the number of fiue hundred vnto saint Iranes, where the king of Portingale then was, loo|king to be assaulted by his enimies:The king of Portingale. but by the coun|terfet death of the great K. of the Saracens named Boiac Almiramumoli (who feared these new suc|cours,Almiramumo+li king of the Saracens. and doubted the sequele of his dooings, to the end he might depart with honour, he fained himselfe dead) the king of Portingale was for that time pre|sentlie deliuered out of danger.