[1] Ordinances deuised.1 That all pilgrims which chanced to die in this iournie might dispose at their pleasure all their ar|mour, horsses, and apparell, and halfe of those things which they had with them, so that they sent nothing home into their countries, and the other halfe should be at the discretion of Walter archbishop of Rouen, Manser bishop of Langres, of the maister of the temple, and of the maister of the Hospitall, of Hugh duke of Burgoigne, of Rafe de Coucie, of Drogo de Marlow, of Robert Sabuill, Andrew de Chauen|nie, and of Gilbert Wascoile, which should implo [...]e the same towards the support of the wars in the ho|lie land against the infidels as they thought most ex|pedient.