[2] About the same time did
the French king enter into Normandie with an armie, & comming to the
towne of Gisors, besieged it, the which one Gilbert de Uascoll or Guascoill
capteine thereof (to his high re|proch) yéelded vp vnto him, with an other
castell also called Nefle, which he had likewise in kéeping. Af|ter
Wil. Paruus.
the French king entring into the countrie of Ueurine or Ueulquessine, wan diuers towns and fortresses
in the same, and passing forward, tooke Ual de Rueil, and Neusburge, and
finallie comming be|fore the citie of Rouen he laid siege thereto:
Rouen be|sieged. The earle of Leicester.