[1] [2] About the same time did the French king enter into Normandie with an armie, & comming to the towne of Gisors, besieged it, the which one Gilbert de Uascoll or Guascoill capteine thereof (to his high re|proch) yéelded vp vnto him, with an other castell also called Nefle, which he had likewise in kéeping. Af|ter this, Wil. Paruus. the French king entring into the countrie of Ueurine or Ueulquessine, wan diuers towns and fortresses in the same, and passing forward, tooke Ual de Rueil, and Neusburge, and finallie comming be|fore the citie of Rouen he laid siege thereto:

Rouen be|sieged.

The earle of Leicester.

but the earle of Leicester being gotten into the citie before the French kings comming thither, so incouraged the citizens, that they stoutlie standing to their de|fense, caused the French king to his great dishonour to raise his field, hauing lost there more than he wan. Yet to saue other townes and castels from taking, and the countrie from destruction, Polydor. the rulers of the same procured a truce for a great summe of monie, which they couenanted to giue, deliuering vp foure notable castels by waie of engagement, till the summe agreed vpon should be to him contented and dulie paid.