[1] In the meane time, king Richard still desirous to furnish himselfe with monie, deuised yet another shift, and feigned that he had lost his seale; wherefore he commanded a new to be made, which being doone, he caused it to be proclaimed and published in euerie countrie, that those to whome he had granted any thing by his déed or charter, Matth. Paris. meaning to inioy the same in suertie, should not thinke it much to come and haue it confirmed by his new seale, least after|ward the other being lost, their lawfull titles might be called into question. Wherevpon manie that could not come to him whilest he was in England, were glad to follow him, and saile ouer into Nor|mandie, and there to fine at his pleasure for the new seale, to the end that their writings might be confir|med thereby, and made so much the more sure to them and their successours. For the same businesse also Remigius the prior of S. Albons, and manie other went ouer to their great costs, charges, and tra|uell, after he was transported into France.