[1] But to let this passe, soone after the kings com|ming into England, he was informed that the Welshmen had broken into the English marshes, and destroied certeine townes; to represse whose pre|sumptuous attempts he made towards them, but was yet staied for that time, & reuoked by his mother. At Salisburie he found his fathers treasure,His fathers treasure. highlie reioising, for that the summe was far greater than he thought it would haue prooued, for besides the pre|tious stones, apparell, and iewels, it was reported he had there the sum of nine hundred thousand pounds in readie coine. With this good hap king Richard not a little aduanced, came to London on the first of September, R. Houed. Gau. Vinsaf. Nic. Triuet. The second of September saith Ger. Dor. where he had appointed prouision to be made for his coronation, and so calling a councell of the Nobles of the realme, he receiued the crowne with all due and accustomed solemnitie, at the hands of Baldwin the archbishop of Canturburie, the third daie of September.