[1] Rog. Houed. Here is to be remembred by the waie, that about the same time, or somewhat before, in the yeare of our Lord 1192. the pope sent two legats (namelie, Octauian bishop of Hostia, and Iordane de Fossa noua) into Normandie,Two legats from ye pope. to reconcile the bishop of Elie and the archbishop of Rouen: but comming vnto Gisors, they were staied from entring any fur|ther into the countrie, wherevpon they did interdict the whole duchie of Normandie, togither with Willi|am Fitz Radulfe lord steward of that countrie,Normandie interdicted. bi|cause he was the man that had so staied them. Im|mediatlie herevpon, queene Elianor, and the archbi|shop of Rouen sent vnto those legats Hugh bishop of Durham, requiring them to release that sentence of interdiction so pronounced against the steward and countrie of Normandie in the kings absence, but they would not, except they might be receiued in|to Normandie: howbeit, the pope being sent vnto, released it, and caused the legats to release it also, and yet they entred not into Normandie at all.