[1] [2] [3] In the meanetime the king was gone into Gas|coigne, where he besieged a castell that belonged to one William de Chisi,William de Chisi. and tooke both the castell and the owner, whome he caused to be hanged for the spoiles and robberies which he had committed vpon pilgrims that passed by those parts toward Compo|stella, to visit the bodie of saint Iames. After this, the king came backe vnto Chinon in Aniou,The kings nauie is set foorth. and there tooke order for the setting foorth of his nauie by sea, ouer which he appointed chéefe gouernours Gerard archbishop of Aux, Bernard bishop of Baieux, Ro|bert de Sablius, Richard de Camuille, and Willi|am de Forz de Ulerun, commanding all those that should passe foorth with his said nauie,Baion. Sablius, or Sabuille. to be obedi|ent vnto these persons as his deputies and lieute|nants. Herewith they were appointed to prouide victuals to serue all those that should go by sea for the space of 60. daies.