[1] Whilest both these kings were thus bent to powre out their malice, and to ease their stomachs with dint of sword, there came messengers from the pope,Messengers from the pope. exhorting him vnto peace and quietnesse, but his ex|hortation little auailed. For they regarding it little or nothing, immediatlie as the truce was expired, got them abroad into the field, & king Richard drew towards Isoldune,Isoldune a towne situat in the confines of Berrie, whither it was reported that the French king meant to come: and there staid for him a whole day togither. But the French king hearing that king Richard was there to looke for him, thought i [...] best not to come there at all. Wherfore king Richard went the next daie vnto a castell called Brison, and tooke it vpon his first approch. Then went he to a towne called Nouencourt, and perceiuing the same to be strong and well manned, tooke not in hand to assaile it till the third daie after his comming thi|ther, at what time he so inclosed the same round a|bout with diligent watch and ward, that a cat could not haue escaped out of the place,Nouencour [...] yeeldeth to K. Richard. Albemarle besieged. Matt. West. Polydor. neither by daie nor night, but that she should haue béene espied. They within being put in feare herewith, yeelded vp the towne the daie next following, in which meane time the French king besieged Albermarle.