[1] Ye haue heard before, how the moonks of Cantur|burie did send to exhibit a complaint to the pope, for that their archbishop tooke vpon him to deale in exer|cise of matters belonging to a temporall man, and not to such a one as had rule ouer the spiritualtie: but this was not the cause that did gréeue them so much, as that he went forward with the erection of that church at Lameth, Ger. Dor. which his predecessor archbishop Baldwine had first begun at Haketon, now called S. Stephans (as before ye haue heard) and after was driuen through the importunate suit of the moonks to leaue off,The church of Lameth. and race that which he had there begun, to obeie the popes pleasure: and after laid a new foundation at Lameth.