[1] [2] [3] Whilest these things were a dooing, R. Houed. Wil. Paruus. Fiftene saith Functius, but others agrée with Houed. as Gerardus Mercator, ci|ting Alberi|cus a moonke. on the twelfth daie of Iulie, the citie of Acres was surrendred into the christian mens hands, for the Soldan Saladine (being approched néere to the siege of the christians with a puissant armie, in hope to haue raised their siege) when he perceiued it laie not in his power to worke any feat to the succour of his people within the citie, and that they were so constreined that they must néeds yéeld, he holpe to make their compositi|on, and promised to performe certeine couenants on their behalfe. Herevpon, the Saracens within A|cres couenanted not onelie to deliuer the citie vnto the christians with fiue hundred prisoners of christi|ans which they had within the same, but also to pro|cure that the holie crosse should be to them deliuered, with a thousand other christian prisoners, such as the christian princes should appoint out of those numbers which Saladine had in his custodie, and further, to giue them two hundred thousand Besans. And till these couenants were performed, it was agréed, that the Saracens, which were at that present left within the citie, should remaine as pledges, vnder conditi|on, that if the same couenants were not performed within fortie daies, then should they stand at the mer|cie of the christian princes as touching life and lim.