[1] Not long after,The chan|cellor raiseth his siege with dishonor. The lord chancellor and earle Iohn are agréed. one of his hornes was broken off by the death of pope Clement, whereby his power legantine ceased: wherewith being somewhat aba|shed, he came to a communication with earle Iohn, and vpon certeine conditions made peace with him. Shortlie after the souldiers which he had sent for, ar|riued in England, and then he began to go from the agréement made with earle Iohn, affirming that he would either driue the same earle out of England, or else should earle Iohn doo the like to him: for it was not of sufficient largenesse to hold them both.The chancel|lor breaketh the agréement. The lord chancellor and earle Iohn make another agréement. How|beit shortlie after, a peace was eftsoones concluded betwixt them with condition, that if it chanced king Richard to depart this life before his returne into England, not leauing any issue of his bodie begot|ten, that then the chancellour renouncing the ordi|nance made by king Richard (who had instituted his nephue Arthur duke of Britaine to be his heire and successour) should consent to admit earle Iohn for king of England, contrarie to the said ordinance.