[1] R. Houed. King Richard passeth ouer in to NormandieOn the fift day of December, he departed from Canturburie, and went to Douer, there to take wa|ter, and so on the eleuenth day of December he pas|sed ouer vnto Calice, where he found Philip earle of Flanders readie to receiue him, who attended vpon him till he came into Normandie, where the king held his Christmas at Burun, and immediatlie he came to an enteruiew with the French king at Gue S. Remige,

Vadum sancti Remegij.

A league be|twixt ye kings of England and France.

where they concluded peace togither, to be kept betwixt them & their countries on ech part: the which was put in writing, and confirmed with their oths and seales in the feast of saint Hilarie.