[1] [2] In this parlement also, in the kalends of Aprill, the king procured a subsidie to be granted to him, to wit,A subsid [...]. two shillings of euerie plough land through England, which maner of subsidie by an old name is called Teemen toll, or Theyme toll. He also com|manded [page 143] that euerie man should make for him the third part of knights seruice, accordinglie as euerie sée might beare, to furnish him foorth into Norman|die. He demanded of the moonks Cisteaux, all their woolles for the same yeare. But bicause that seemed an ouer greeuous burthen vnto them, they fined with him, as after shall appeare. The fourth day of this parlement, by the kings permission manie greeuous complaints were exhibited against the archbishop of Yorke,The archbi|shop of Yorke accused. for extortion and other vniust vexations, which he had practised: but he passed so little thereof, that he made no answer vnto their billes.