[1] The chancellour perceiuing the multitude to be such which he had with him in the tower, as the place was not able to hold them any long time, after he had remained within it one night, he came foorth vn|to earle Iohn, and to the other that were thus entred the citie, and now readie to besiege him, of whome he got licence for them that were inclosed within the tower, to depart without damage, and therewith de|liuered vp the tower vnto the hands of the archbi|shop of Rouen, with the castell of Windsor,The chancel|lour yéeldeth vp the tower. and cer|teine other castels, which he held within the realme, but not all: notwithstanding he couenanted to make deliuerie of the residue, which yet remained in the hands of them whome he had appointed to the kéep|ing of the same. And for assurance of that couenant to be performed before he departed the realme, he deliuered his brethren, and one that was his cham|berleine, to remaine with the lords as hostages.