[1] About the same time Geffrey Fitz Peter,Welshmen vanquished. Ger. Dor. as|cribeth this victorie vnto Hubert arch [...]. of Canturbu|rie and saith there were slaine about 500 of the enimies. Mauds castle lord cheefe iustice of England, raised a power of men, and went into Wales to succour the tenants of Willi|am de Brause, which were besieged of the king, or ra|ther prince of that countrie, named Owen, the bro|ther of Cadwalaine, in Mauds castell: but the lord chéefe iustice comming to the reskue of them within, gaue battell to the aduersaries, and vanquishing them, slue three thousand of them, and seauen hundred of those that were taken prisoners and wounded. And all the while the warres continued in France, the losse for the most part still redounded to the Frenchmen. Earle Iohn burnt Newburg, and tooke eighteene knights of such as were sent to the re|skue.