[1] [2] [3] King Philip, after that the king of England was remooued from Gisors (as before yée haue heard) as|sembled a great host, and with banner displaied, en|tred into Normandie, Matth. Paris. and wasted the countrie from Newburge to Beaumont le Rogier, and that doone, returned into France, licencing his men to returne vnto their homes. About the same time, he sent vnto king Richard, Nic. Treuet. The French kings request for a combat. requiring him to appoint fiue champi|ons, and he would appoint other fiue for his part, which might fight in lists, for triall of all matters in controuersie betwixt them, so to auoid the shedding of more giltlesse bloud. King Richard accepted the offer,K. Richards answer. with condition, that either king might be of the number, that is, the French king one of the fiue vp|on the French part; & K. Richard one of the fiue vp|on the English part. But this condition would not be granted. Herevpon, when shortlie after it was signified to king Richard, Matth. Paris. that ships vsed to come out of England to saint Ualerie with victuals, which were sold and conueied awaie vnto the French K. and other his enimies, he rode to saint Ualeries, and set the towne on fire, and such ships of England as he found there he also burnt, and hanged the mariners by the necke,Ships burnt, and mariners hanged. diuiding the graine and other victuals which were found in the same ships amongst his owne souldiors.