[1] He therefore hauing here made shipwracke, and doubting to fall into the hands of any person in those parts that bare good will vnto the marquesse (against whome he had indéed shewed himselfe not freendlie in a quarrell betwixt the said marquesse and Guido the king of Ierusalem) made the best shift he could to get away, yet knowledge being had of him, and serch made after him by one Meinard of Gorezein, he lost eight of his seruants, W. Paruus. Erle of Gorze Saltzburge. and so came to a towne within the bishoprike of Saltzburge called Frisake, where he was estsoones in danger to haue beene taken a|gaine by one Frederike de saint Soome, who not|withstanding tooke six of his men, but yet he him|selfe with three other of his companie made shif [...] to get away. Finallie comming to Uienna in Austrich,K. Richard commeth to Uienna. and there causing his seruants to prouide meat for him, more sumptuous and fine than was thought re|quisit for so meane a person as he counterfeited then to beare out in countenance, it was streightwaies suspected that he was some other maner of man than he pretended, and in fine, Polydor. those that marked more di|ligentlie the maner of him, perceiued what he was, and gaue knowledge to the duke of Austrich named Leopold, being then in the citie of Uienna, what they had seene. His page that had the Dutch toong, going about the towne to change gold, and buy vittels, be|wraied him, hauing by chance the kings gloues vn|der his girdle: wherevpon comming to be examined for feare of tortures confessed the truth.