[1] Amongst those that were thus commanded to at|tach him, were two burgesses of the citie, who ha|uing espied a conuenient time for the execution of their purpose, set vpon him to haue taken him, but he getting an ax, defended himselfe manfullie: and in resisting slue one of them, and after that fled into the church of S. Marie Bow,He fléeth in [...]o the church of S. Marie Bow. kéeping the same not as a place of sanctuarie, but as a fortresse: in somuch that by the helpe of such as resorted vnto him, he de|fended it against his aduersaries, till with fire and smoke they constreined him to come foorth and all those that were there with him:His concu|bine. amongst them also was his concubine, who neuer left him for any dan|ger that might be [...]ide him.